A minute of mass communication...
My apologies for a lack of morning blogs this week, normal life unfortunately gets in the way occasionally.
2024 sees the 50th year since that night in November 1974 when two IRA terrorist bombs took the lives of 21 innocent people in two ciry centre pubs.
This night is etched into the mind of every Brummie old enough to remember but still the bombers, although known to the authorities, have never been named or bought to justice.
We have worked with Julie Hambleton and Justice for the 21 since we first formed and have been directly involved in obtaining the plaque remembering the 21 unveiled at St Andrews recently.
Whilst the club did give us a plaque after almost 50 years of waiting for something (mostly under previous owners) there has always been a slight reluctance to embrace the call for justice that the people of Birmingham deserve and expect from it's football clubs, just like Liverpool and Manchester clubs joined to support victims of Hillsborough and the Manchester bombing we need our clubs to do the same.
We have been in contact with Aston Villa for over 6 months trying to get them to come to the table(well done Rebecca Hicks Bec) they have agreed to do something but that's as far as it's gone. Our contact at Aston Villa Lee Preece has been open and helpful but communication seems to stop at his level, it's not his fault but we need some traction from higher up the food chain.
Both clubs have agreed to do something to mark 50 years (hopefully working together) but there has to be a willingness for this to happen, the club's should be asking us what they can do but instead we have to go cap in hand to get any recognition for our cities murdered family and friends. The can keeps getting kicked down the road.
Following a few weeks of disturbances amongst communities all over the UK we have the ideal opportunity to call all religions, nationalities and age groups together to make a statement of anger and respect to our dead by holding a minute of silence on 21st November 2024 @ 1500.
We call on everyone to share this. Last week the club called the community together to help with a massive clean up of the area around St Andrews, this was a big success and we call on everyone to react to our plea in the same way.
All Facebook groups please share this into your group.
BCFC OSC (official supporters club)Sukh Singh and Paul Delves please share this among your community the way you shared the commmunity clean up, you are an independent group and the city needs your help now. If you are a member or leader of an OSC branch please share with your members.
Tom Ross, you also shared the clean up into your Goal Zone group so we ask you to do the same now and help the community to get justice for its people.
Now is the time for us to be honest, help to get justice for our dead or tell us why you won't!
Comments are welcome but simply add a 💙 in the comments if we have your support.
Please watch the attached short video from Julie Hamblin which she recorded for the group yesterday. The pain after 50 years is still palpable.
Share this wherever you can please...
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